Nancy Venter Physiotherapy
Nancy Venter Physiotherapy in George
Nancy Venter Physiotherapy Practice in George
The practice of Nancy Venter Physiotherapy is conveniently located at 25 Wellington Street, in Bodorp, George. The team of physiotherapists understands that each person is unique and treats each individual to their specific injury or condition. The experienced physiotherapists will perform a thorough interview and assessment to ensure the best treatment plan for each patient.
Treatments by Professional Physiotherapists in George
The team at Nancy Venter Physiotherapy consists of passionate healthcare professionals with a mission to assist with pain relief, healing, improving overall well-being and quality of life as well as also empowering you (our patients) to take control of your health.
Special interests:
- Acute and Chronic Pain (Back/Neck/Headaches/General)
- Post-operative treatment and rehabilitation
- Sports injuries
- Elderly Care
- Respiratory conditions (Lung and Sinus): Chest clearance/Breathing pattern Disorders / Rehabilitation
- Vertigo/ Dizziness/ Balance impairment
- Ergonomics
Make An Appointment with a Physiotherapist in George
Patients are welcome to make an appointment to see a physio at Nancy Venter Physiotherapy in George.
Services available: Hospital visits * Outpatients * Home visits
Practice hours are Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.
In case of emergency after hours feel free to contact the practice.
This listing is also available on the Garden Route Business Directory
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Nancy Venter Physiotherapy first appeared on
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