by lalakoi | May 17, 2023 | Garden Route News
Garden Route Log Home and Storage Unit Manufacturer Wendy houses, log homes, nutec homes and steel storage units are manufactured by JFK Wendy City. Contact this well-known George-based business for a quotation on your new home, extra space or storage unit. All...
by lalakoi | May 10, 2022 | Garden Route News
Garden Route Nutec Homes Nutec Homes by Building Contractors Mossel Bay Nutec Homes have become more and more popular during the past few years due to the fact that is a cost-effective building style with low maintenance. Key4 Construction in Mossel Bay is a...
by lalakoi | May 8, 2020 | Garden Route News
Wendy Houses and Steel Storage Solutions in George Storage or space a problem?! As manufacturer of Wendy Houses, a Log homes, Nutec Homes and Steel Storage Units JFK Wendy City has the various solutions for you. Get your quotation now and have your new home or storage...